SPLOT Archive security
By enabling the SPLOT archive security you can protect the SPLOT archive against unauthorized access. By this way you can securely provide you plot files (plans, designs etc.) to anyone for a wanted purpose (for example for view only).
The SPLOT archive protection has two levels - the owner level and the user level:
The owner level protects the archive properties. These properties are: description, annotation and permissions. The permissions define what functionality is allowed on the files stored in the archive. The owner protection is done by so called owner password. Without this password the owner protection is disabled, which means that all permissions are allowed and the description or annotation can be changed by anyone. The archive with owner password is called as protected, the archive without owner password is called as unprotected.
The archive permissions protected by the owner password are:
Note: The user who knows the owner password can work with files in the protected archive without any limitation. For example if the protected archive has disabled Printing and the user still wants to print a file contained in the archive, he can do it after entering a valid owner password. This applies also to unregistered copies of SPLOT working with licensed archives.
The user level protects the files stored in the archive. Each file in the archive can be encrypted, so it is accessible only by the user, who knows the user password. Please note, that all files or some group of files in the archive can be encrypted with one password, or each file can have its own password, or some files in the archive can be encrypted and some not etc. So in fact the user level protection is not the archive property, it is property of each file stored in the archive.
All SPLOT archive protection and file encryption is done using a strong AES 256-bit encryption.
See also: Create and modify SPLOT Archive SPLOT Archive Properties dialog